Reading Update #7

Hey Beautiful Booklovers!! Another week another, another reading update!

Sorry this one is coming at you so late in the day, but I’ve been suffering a bit with my chronic pain etc, so things haven’t gone swimmingly the last few days!

Anyway enough of that, lets get to it!

Books I have read since last update

You may remember I was having a tough reading week last week, and the week before but this past week has gone better thankfully. I’ve managed to read Warrior of the Wild by Tricia Levenseller and An Enchantment of Ravens by Margaret Rogerson.

Both were fairly short reads (300-350 pages) which I think really helped with my mini slump!

Books I am currently reading

I’m about 100 pages from finishing the red queen, maybe a little less than that which is good, and I’ll let you know my thoughts on it when it’s completed!

I honestly haven’t tried again with crown of feathers again, its not the book, I think it’s me on kindle at the moment. I’m not having any luck with any of my kindle reads, and that’s why I’ve only managed to finish physical copies this week. Not sure why I’m having this issue, quite frankly it’s a pain in the ass 😭😂! I Normally love reading on my kindle 😭!

Books I plan to read next

I want to finish crown of feathers and once and future but as both are on my kindle I’m not so sure it will be a success, I may pick up Wintersong by S. Jae-Jones next just because I’m in the mood for some faerie stories!

Random Tidbits

I have a review coming tomorrow for Warrior of the Wild so keep an eye out for that, I’m excited to talk about this book!

What are you currently reading? How has your past week been? Let me know in the comments as usual, you know I love hearing what you are all up to 😘!

6 thoughts on “Reading Update #7

    1. I don’t know why I’m struggling to read ebooks right now 😭! It’s devastating 😂! Yeah, I finished it last night after I posted this, and will definitely do a review if people want it 😘


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