Which Reading Format is Best?

Hey Beautiful Booklovers! Today is a post about reading formats. I did a poll a while ago on Twitter asking you what your favourite format to read in was, and I was seriously shocked by the results.

I thought I’d start with an overview of the main reading formats (though if you are reading this, your will most likely know this anyway).

  1. Physical books – In both Hardcover and Paperback
  2. Ebooks – Your kindle/ other electronic variations
  3. Audiobooks – Listening to the story rather than physically reading it with your eyes.

All very basic knowledge, and my intention isn’t to teach you how to suck eggs, but I just wanted to let you know the options I put out there for the poll.

Admittedly I did expect a large portion of people to favour physical copies, however I really didn’t expect so much of a divide, and I also expected at least one vote for audio…but there were none!!

There seems to be this weird thing within the book community that stipulates ebooks or audiobooks “aren’t real books” and my response is simple…”Why?” If you are listening to or reading a book in electronic format you are still consuming the story and therefore why on earth doesn’t that count? It really baffles me. Would you tell someone who had lost their sight that audiobooks aren’t valid? No, not unless you are a word I won’t repeat. It really is silly that people feel the need to set up a barrier between themselves and those who read in different formats. If you consume a story, and love it, then what is the issue really? I myself often flit between my kindle, and physical copies. I also on occasion pick up an audiobook, and guess what?…there is nothing wrong with that!

I really don’t think there is one format that is better than another. I think that there is usually one or two that suit a person best, and if that works for them, and ensures they are reading…then great! Audiobooks or kindle aren’t for everyone, but as my mother likes to point out (She only reads on kindle) “I read far too many books to carry them around with me when I travel, and I happen to like forests. This way I can still read.” For my mother she was unhauling a couple dozen books a month – she reads rougly a book a day!! Kindle is what works for her, anything works for me, I will consume a story in any state I can get my hands on, and for others – some prefer to listen to audio whilst getting their errands and housework done, which I can totally relate to!

Although I’m waffling, my point is this – there is no best reading format out there, only what works for you! No matter how you consume it, you are still accessing the story, and still supporting the author in the process. I try not to get caught up in the elitism of only hardcovers etc, (although even I can admit they are so pretty to look at lol)! What is important is that you are reading, and enjoying that pastime.

What format do you personally like to read in? Do you think reading is reading no matter the format? Or do you feel audiobooks are ‘cheating’? I’m really curious of your responses to this, as I often find people either lean one way or the other on this topic. Let me know in the comments below!